Responsible sourcing
We take appropriate measures to ensure we source our raw materials responsibly. This includes respecting human rights and labour rights, workers’ health and safety, and improving traceability to understand potential environmental risks within our global supply chain.
Our approach
There is increasing demand for greater transparency about the possible impact a wide range of consumer products have on deforestation. When we procure environmentally sensitive materials, we’ll always consider sustainable alternatives as part of our buying decisions and address deforestation risks along our supply chain. We source a high proportion of raw materials in Europe, avoiding deforestation in critical regions of the world.
We have programmes for the sustainable management and use of natural resources in manufacturing and sourcing processes (aligning with SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production: Target 12.2), covering materials such as palm oil. We source a small amount of palm related raw materials. We do so responsibly as part of ABFI’s Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) membership.
We respect and endorse the principle in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the complementary Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing.